

大学可能很贵. 十大网赌网站大全知道. 但在十大网赌网站大全,十大网赌网站大全的目标是给你提供你能负担得起的优质教育.

十大网赌网站大全的 team is 在这里 to help you identify ways to find your pathway to prosperity.

十大网赌网站大全的 包罗万象的定价结构 makes the cost of attending college easy to understand with no surprise fees. All of your classes' costs, including books, supplies, uniforms, etc. 都包含在你的课程费用中,你会在第一天上课时收到这些材料吗. You won't have to worry about paying for extra items for your courses; all you have to do is focus on learning and putting yourself on the path to your dream career.


A grant is considered gift aid, money that you are not required to repay. 要申请助学金,你必须 complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

For more information about federal student aid eligibility, award limits and other important information, 请参阅 联邦学生援助指南.

For any questions, please contact the 金融援助 Office at financialaid@霍金.edu.

  • 以需求为基础的补助金被认为是礼物援助
  • 2023-2024学年的最高金额为7395美元(如果符合条件,每学期3697美元)。
  • Amount awarded depends on Expected Family Contribution (EFC), 学生入学情况, 和出勤费用
  • 如果符合条件, 你可以获得不超过6个学期(相当于3年)的副学士学位.
  • May not receive Pell for more than one school at a time.
  • 什么是佩尔助学金?
  • 向经济需求最高的学生(符合pell资格的学生)颁发校园基金
  • 必须完成FAFSA申请吗
  • 最大数量 for one award year is $1000 at 霍金 College
  • 考虑礼品援助


如果你申请经济援助, you may be offered loans as part of your school's financial aid offer. A loan is money you borrow and must pay back with interest. Student loans can come from the federal 政府ernment, from private sources such as a bank or financial institution, 或者来自其他组织.

For any questions, please contact the 金融援助 Office at financialaid@霍金.edu.

  • 贷款人是U.S. 教育部
  • Based on financial need as determined by the FAFSA
  • U.S. 教育部在你注册至少一半的时间内支付补贴贷款的利息, during the first six months after separation from college, 或者延期.
  • First-Year Undergraduate Annual Loan Limit Stafford:
    • 独立学生:5,500美元,不超过3,500美元可以获得补贴贷款.
    • 独立学生:9,500美元,补贴贷款不超过3,500美元.
  • Second-Year Undergraduate Annual Loan Limit Stafford:
    • 独立学生:6500美元,补贴贷款不超过4500美元.
    • 独立学生:10,500美元,不超过4,500美元的补贴贷款.
  • 贷款人是U.S. 教育部
  • 无补贴不是基于财政的 需要的, 但是基于出席的成本.
  • Student is responsible for interest during all periods of the loan
  • If you choose not to pay interest while you are enrolled in school, 延期或忍耐的时期, 或者入学时间不到一半, the interest will accrue and be capitalized. 
  • First-Year Undergraduate Annual Loan Limit Stafford:
    • 独立学生:5,500美元,不超过3,500美元可以获得补贴贷款.
    • 独立学生:9,500美元,补贴贷款不超过3,500美元.
  • Second-Year Undergraduate Annual Loan Limit Stafford:
    • 独立学生:6500美元,补贴贷款不超过4500美元.
    • 独立学生:10,500美元,不超过4,500美元的补贴贷款.
  • 贷款人是美国。.S. 教育部
  • 需要信贷审批
  • 最高金额限于十大网赌网站大全的出勤费(COA)减去学生收到的任何其他经济援助
  • Repayment begins once loan is fully disbursed
  • 当前利率是7.54%
  • 最大数量, 经信贷批准后, 不超过出勤费减去学生获得的所有其他经济援助

学生贷款营销协会(Sallie Mae)

如果联邦财政援助的金额不足以支付全部学费,或者失去了获得财政援助的资格,学生可能会考虑申请私人贷款. 私人贷款是以信用为基础的, 因此,十大网赌网站大全鼓励您获得一个共同签署人,以帮助批准,并确保一个更好的利率.




十大网赌网站大全为数百名学生提供50多项奖学金. 在十大网赌网站大全慷慨捐助者的支持和十大网赌网站大全在机构内的承诺下, 十大网赌网站大全能够为符合条件的全日制学生提供奖学金机会. 


为了获得2023-2024学年奖学金的优先考虑, 新学生 必须在2月6日前提交入学申请并完成2023-2024年FAFSA. 1, 2023. 在截止日期后完成这些项目的学生仍可能被考虑未颁发的奖学金

归国全日制学生 must be registered for the 2023-2024 school year by March 31, 2023, 并有完整的2023-2024年FAFSA档案,以便考虑获得奖学金.

For any questions, please contact the Foundation Office at wellsd34471@霍金.edu or 740-753-7010.

Graduating high school seniors from Athens, 费尔菲尔德, 霍金, 佩里, Pickaway, Ross and Vinton counties are eligible for this scholarship. The District Scholars Scholarship is worth $1,000 an academic year.


  1. 应用 for admission to 霍金 College for the autumn or spring semester at 应用.霍金.edu.
  2. 应用 for Federal and State financial aid programs using the FAFSA at and complete all financial aid requirements.
  3. Enroll in a minimum of 12 credit hours in your program. 学生必须在学期的第一天之前注册,才能获得该学期的奖励. Flex courses do not count as part of a student’s eligible credit hours.
  4. 高中毕业后一年内参加秋季或春季学期的课程.

As long as a student maintains eligibility, 奖学金将在学生在十大网赌网站大全获得第一个副学士学位期间提供, 最多四个学期.

To maintain eligibility, students must:

  • 保持全日制学生身份(每学期至少12学分).
  • Maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP). SAP指南可在 www.霍金.edu/financial-aid.



  • 全日制学生(每学期至少12学分),在十大网赌网站大全攻读符合条件的学位或证书课程.
  • 注册 for MUS-1131 (霍金 College Singers).
  • Maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP). SAP指南可在 www.霍金.edu/financial-aid.
  • Complete the most FAFSA for the year the scholarship is to be applied.



To submit your video or schedule an audition, 点击这里. 申请者必须在开课前7天提交网上申请.

If you have any questions about submitting your audition call Emily Davis at 740-753-6137.

总统学者奖是一项竞争性奖学金,面向不仅在高中学习成绩优异,而且在丰富当地社区的公民参与方面表现出色的新生. 获奖者将作为学生大使代表十大网赌网站大全出席各种活动, 主持导游或与各种利益相关者谈论学生的经历. To be considered, students must have at least a 3.5 cumulative high school GPA and demonstrate active community involvement. 学生还需要提交下一个秋季学期的入学申请, 完成他们的FAFSA并在以下截止日期前提交总统学者申请. 此外,接受者必须全日制注册,每学期至少12个学分.

要申请,请填写表格 在这里. 申请截止日期为2023年5月31日.

Click Here to Explore Other 奖学金


Aside from the traditional combination of grants, 奖学金和贷款, we'll help you identify other ways to pay for your education, like making sure you're using any 军事利益 you deserve.

有关详细信息 军事利益 你可能符合条件, 请联系斯蒂芬·鲍威尔, the director of Veteran and 军事 Student Services at waltzi@霍金.edu.


对一些学生来说, 上大学的总直接费用可能会超过学生有资格获得的经济援助金额. If the student’s financial aid is not enough to cover all educational charges, then t在这里 are alternative financing options available to help cover the gap.

If your remaining balance to pay is less than $1,500, after all charges and expected aid have been posted for Autumn semester, 你可以建立一个现金支付计划. 付款计划不得超过1美元,500 and will be divided by 4 with expected payments of $375 per month. 你的第一笔付款, 还有30美元的申请费, must be paid by the 1st of the month for the semester you enroll. The full balance is expected to be paid before the end of the semester.


If you plan to use a 3rd party to pay your educational costs, 例如WIOA, 529计划, 或者另一种支付方式, 你必须提供文件,证明你有资格获得这笔资金,或者证明你有足够的资金支付给十大网赌网站大全.

如果你要支付的余额是2美元,一学期不超过500美元, after all charges and expected aid have been posted, you may be eligible for the 霍金大学工作奖学金 for up to $1,000. 获得这项奖学金, you must agree to work in a student employment position at 霍金 College. Please see your financial aid representative to confirm if you qualify.

For a list of available positions, please contact the 霍金 College 职业生涯 & 大学中心 hccareer@霍金.edu.

联邦工作研究 (FWS) is a form of employment as well as Federal 金融援助, 和其他形式的经济援助一样, 你必须在联邦学生援助免费申请表(FAFSA)上表明你对就业的兴趣。.
  • Part-time employment opportunity for students while enrolled in school
  • Available to full-time students, with options of part-time enrollment
  • 鼓励社区服务工作
  • Students working in community service are paid $2.每小时增加00美元
  • 在十大网赌网站大全,FWS奖学金的最高金额为3000美元(这些资金不颁发给学院), 它们是用来发工资的

普通的兼职 (RPT)学生就业是针对那些不符合FWS标准的学生, 或工作奖学金, 但还是希望工作.

如需职位列表或开始工作,请联系十大网赌网站大全职业咨询中心 & 大学中心 hccareer@霍金.edu.







Starting the next phase of your life through education may seem daunting. That's why we're 在这里 to help every step of the way.

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